How to Create a Client Journey

Agency Framework Mini-Series:
- Creating an Inbound Marketing Agency Framework
- Crafting Agency Core Values and an Agency Organizational Chart
- Creating a Client Journey (This episode!)
- Agency Scorecards and Standardized Meetings
Clients hire inbound marketing agencies to help them achieve goals. They know where they want to go, but they don’t know how to get there. The good clients out there are searching for someone who can come alongside them. Someone with an outside perspective and subject matter expertise. Someone like you.
It isn’t enough just to come alongside them and know inbound marketing. You need to come prepared with a plan.
Crafting an ideal client journey is your key to communicating the road ahead for your client without needing to know all the specifics.
Over time, things change. You may not know today how many blog posts per week your client will need in six months. But you do know they need to create engaging content on a consistent basis. You also know there are key things to put into play first to help grow results down the road.
Combining all this experience into a clear picture can help set your clients and prospects at ease. It lets them know that you’ve considered all angles and have a plan in place. A plan that will be custom tailored to their situation.
Here is an example of a client journey we teach here at DoInbound:

Breaking your services down into more understandable and digestible pieces helps your clients know where they sit in the process. It helps your operations team understand how to breakdown and document the deliverables that power the agency.
Overall, a documented and visualized client journey is a win-win for your clients and the agency delivery team.