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How to Boost Your Agency’s Content Marketing Results

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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In this episode of Inbound Agency Journey, Andrew interview Simon Thompson from Content Kite about actionable tactics agencies can take to boost their content marketing results.

Simon saw the need in the agency space for content marketing services that covered the entire content process. Content marketing requires more than a freelance writer. It is a full process from strategy and planning to writing and promotion. This is what his agency specializes in.

Here are the main takeaways from his experience.

Start with the Customer

When creating content, don’t start with what you do, but start by writing about the problems that your customer has. By focusing on the customer, you can educate them about your solution.

Figure out what issues the client is running into that would make them look into your service. Use their words and problems to frame your offer.

Use Content Upgrades

Use content upgrades to capture email information from readers to grow your list.

A content upgrade also give the reader something they have that they may see later and draw them back to your business.

Promote Your Content

Take the time to promote. Nowadays everyone is pushing their content in similar ways.

To stand out from the competition, Simon’s team connects with influencers during content creation to ask for a quote, data point, or other insight. Once it’s created, they let the influencer know.

By leveraging niche audiences and framing the influencer as an authority, you’re more likely to get them to promote your content.

Create a Variety of Content

Don’t rely on social media to get your message out.

Have an outreach plan as well. This also includes having your content in more than one place and able to be consumed in different ways. You can easily do this by repurposing content. Different types of content includes podcasts, videos, slideshows, and blog posts.

Focus on the Long-Term

Content marketing is a long-term strategy. Content marketing is difficult to do if you don’t have a team or time.

If you want to get started, you can do it yourself but make sure you’re smart with your time and don’t try to do everything. Double down on what’s working with your content marketing efforts so your business can grow. You could also hire a freelancer, but get references first if you can. There have been a lot of business owners burned by a too-good-to-be-true content writer.

Every business needs to make content marketing part of their online efforts. It is a long-term strategy and will bring you business results for months and years to come.

If you want to connect with Simon Thompson, you can reach him at!

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