How to Sell HubSpot as an Inbound Agency
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Inbound marketing has many moving parts.
There is content management, social management, email automation, website development, and much much more…
vWhen you sell inbound, you also need to sell a way to manage the various pieces of the puzzle.
Our agency, GuavaBox, is a HubSpot partner agency. We rely on the HubSpot platform to manage these moving pieces.
HubSpot isn’t cheap and it has many competitors, so we need to not only sell our services but HubSpot’s software as well.
In this episode of Inbound Sales Journey, we unpack how to sell HubSpot as an inbound agency.
We are going to assume in this episode that the prospect is bringing up HubSpot as an objection early during in the sales process.
Disarming the Prospect
When a prospect gets on the phone with you, they will likely already know you are a HubSpot partner. They will assume that you are bias toward HubSpot. Which let’s be honest, you probably are.
You will hear this question early and often as a result.
“Why should I use HubSpot?”
My answer.
“I am not sure you should.”
Think about what this does. What if I had launched right into an educational lesson about why HubSpot is superior to the competition? Immediately the prospect thinks I am just trying to sell HubSpot regardless of their specific needs.
I follow up by letting them know that there is more I need to understand about their business and their needs before I can advise them one way or another.
I’ve taken myself from the position of the “HubSpot Salesman” to someone genuinely interested in providing the best solution.
Educating the Prospect
Every prospect you talk with is going to have a different understanding of HubSpot. They will have different bias’s based on what they have read and heard. When the prospect brings up HubSpot, let them talk.
Ask them questions to figure out their perception surrounding the HubSpot platform. Ask questions like,”Have you used HubSpot, or any competing platforms in the past.? “How much research have you done about the platform and what are your initial thoughts about it?” “Are there any particular reasons why you are or are not considering using it as a solution?”
These are open ended questions. They will lead to you having a much better understanding of the prospects initial feelings about using HubSpot.
After I have a clear understand on what their initial feelings I know where to steer the conversation.
Education is one of your best friends throughout the sales process. No one wants to be sold, everyone wants to understand. Do not shy away from their questions but rather encourage them. Dig out that confusion and doubt and combat it with education.