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Are Daily Stand-Ups a Waste of Time? (+ Alternative Methods for Planning, Trust, and Momentum)

Jakub "Kuba" Grajcar is the Content Marketing Manager at ZenPilot. His obsessions include interviewing smart people; productivity methods; project management; and playing bass in a progressive metal band.

For some teams, it might seem like running daily stand-ups it the only way to ensure works proceeds at a good pace.

If that sounds familiar, read on to find out about alternative methods to support planning, trust, and momentum in your team—without the need for a daily stand-up.

In this episode of Agency Journey, Gray and Kuba discuss the pros and cons of daily standup meetings and explore alternative approaches for remote teams. They break down why many companies still rely on standups and offer strategies to instead build trust, maintain momentum, and improve planning asynchronously.


Episode Insights:

💡 Daily standups are often a crutch for poor planning or lack of clear expectations
💡 Trust is built when expectations are consistently met over time
💡 Asynchronous tools like ClickUp can replace many standup functions if used properly
💡 Celebrating wins and progress is crucial for remote team momentum
💡 Consider if standups are truly necessary or if they've become an inefficient habit
💡 Clear communication and transparency about expectations are key in building trust
💡 Journaling and self-reflection can help identify areas for improvement in team processes


Resources Mentioned:

🌐 Gray’s LinkedIn
⚒️ ClickUp 
⚒️ 15Five 
⚒️ HubStaff
⚒️ Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) 
📦 ZenPilot’s Agency Client Health Tracker 


Check out the video recording of the conversation here:

Or go here to listen to the episode on your favorite podcast platforms.

You can also explore a text summary of Gray's insights on daily stand-ups below.

The Daily Standup Dilemma: Is Your Agency Wasting Time?

As agency owners, we're always looking for ways to improve efficiency and productivity. One common practice that's come under scrutiny recently is the daily standup meeting. While these quick check-ins can seem helpful, they might be masking deeper issues in your agency's operations.

In this post, we'll explore the pros and cons of daily standups and offer alternative strategies for managing your team effectively.

Why Do Agencies Use Daily Standups?

According to Gray MacKenzie, ZenPilot founder and CEO, there are three main reasons agencies implement daily standups:

  1. Planning
  2. Trust
  3. Momentum

Let's dive into each of these reasons and explore more effective alternatives.

Are Daily Standups Really Necessary for Planning?

Many agencies use daily standups as a way to keep everyone on the same page. Team members share what they accomplished yesterday, what they're working on today, and any roadblocks they're facing. However, this approach often indicates a lack of proper planning and communication.

Gray explains:

"A lot of it is just a massive failure to plan. They're not planning stuff well, or there's a master plan, there is a vision in the owner's eye or in the team lead's eye, or in the eye of the person who sold the deal...

"...And so little of that gets communicated that it gets kind of peeled back day by day and layer by layer."

Instead of relying on daily standups for planning, consider these alternatives:

  1. Improve project documentation: Create clear, detailed project plans that outline expectations, timelines, and deliverables.
  2. Use project management tools effectively: Leverage tools like ClickUp to communicate project details and updates asynchronously.
  3. Implement regular project reviews: Schedule less frequent (weekly or bi-weekly) project check-ins to address any issues or changes.

Gray emphasizes the importance of clear communication: "You got to communicate better in terms of what's going on and you got to build a culture where you're celebrating folks who are making real progress."

Can You Build Trust Without Daily Check-ins?

Some agency owners use daily standups as a way to ensure their team is actually working. However, this approach can create an atmosphere of micromanagement and mistrust.

Gray offers a different perspective on building trust:

"Trust is built when expectations are met consistently over time. I know I've said this on the podcast before, but... You're way better off purely meeting the bar over and over and over than, you know, one week we're way above the bar. We're doing the craziest things. And the next week we're way below the bar."

To build trust without daily standups:

  1. Set clear expectations: Define what success looks like for each role and project.
  2. Use data to measure performance: Focus on outcomes rather than hours worked.
  3. Have regular one-on-one meetings: Schedule time for meaningful conversations about progress and growth.

Gray emphasizes the importance of clarity: "I think that's the big first piece around trust is just having shared expectations around what good looks like. And the second piece has to be then having conversations around that and seeing that whether those expectations are being or not being met and addressing that with celebrating good work or addressing performance."

How Can You Maintain Momentum Without Daily Meetings?

Many agency owners worry that without daily check-ins, their team will lose motivation and momentum. However, there are more effective ways to keep your team engaged and excited about their work.

Gray suggests focusing on recognizing progress:

"What creates the sense of momentum is the feeling of progress, the recognition of progress. What gets somebody the most excited to keep rolling is when they say what they got done and there's some moment of respect for that or appreciation of that from the rest of the team."

To maintain momentum without daily standups:

  1. Celebrate wins regularly: Create a dedicated channel (e.g. on Slack) for sharing successes and milestones.
  2. Implement a weekly check-in system: Use tools like 15Five for team members to reflect on their progress and accomplishments.
  3. Hold monthly all-hands meetings: Use this time to recognize achievements and align the team on broader goals.

At ZenPilot, we use a combination of weekly/monthly and synchronous/asynchronous ways of celebrating work to make sure all good deeds are end up being recognized and cherished on our team.

When Might Daily Standups Be Appropriate After All?

While daily standups are often unnecessary, there are situations where they might be beneficial.

Gray acknowledges:

"There might be a season where this makes sense. There might be a specific team where, we might say 'hey, Irealize we've got unclear expectations set right now, or I realize we need to find some way to pick up and create more momentum'."

Consider implementing daily standups temporarily in these situations:

  1. During a crisis or urgent project
  2. When onboarding new team members
  3. When implementing significant changes in processes or tools

However, Gray cautions: "Generally speaking, it's a crutch. But crutches are useful sometimes. And so don't, don't throw it out entirely and never look back at it as an option."

How Can You Improve Your Agency's Operations?

If you're considering eliminating daily standups or improving your agency's overall operations, Gray recommends two key steps:

  1. Schedule a conversation with ZenPilot: "The best thing that you can do in that situation is to have a conversation with us [at ZenPilot]."
  2. Reflect and journal: "Taking some time to write out what's missing. If you were looking at this with an outside set of eyes, what would, what would the advice that someone else would give me be, or what would the questions be that he would ask?"

By taking these steps, you can gain valuable insights into your agency's operations and identify areas for improvement.

Conclusion: Rethinking Your Agency's Approach to Communication and Productivity

Daily standups may seem like a quick fix for keeping your team aligned and productive, but they often mask deeper issues in planning, trust, and motivation. By addressing these root causes and implementing more effective strategies for communication and project management, you can create a more efficient, trusting, and motivated team.

Remember Gray's advice: "Clarity is kindness." By setting clear expectations, celebrating progress, and focusing on outcomes rather than micromanagement, you can build a stronger, more productive agency without relying on daily standups.

Take some time to reflect on your agency's current practices and consider how you can improve your operations. Whether it's through better project documentation, more effective use of project management tools, or implementing new systems for recognizing achievements, there are many ways to boost your team's performance without resorting to daily meetings.

And if you're still unsure about the best path forward, don't hesitate to seek expert advice. As Gray says, "Our mission is to help create more healthy, more profitable, more productive teams." By taking proactive steps to improve your agency's operations, you'll be well on your way to achieving those goals. If that sounds good, go ahead and schedule your agency operations "therapy session" with us here. 

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See you in the next episode!


P.S. Agency Journey is brought to you by ZenPilot. We've helped 2,700+ agencies streamline their operations with the power of ClickUp. Get our free 56-page ClickUp Guide here.

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